Christian Celtic Band
Using Celtic Music as a Vehicle for the Gospel since 2006
MPK Christian Celtic Band
The band has a long history. We are a family so we go WAY back! M Stands for Mama, P for Preacher, and K for Kids. MPK stands for Mama and the Preacher’s Kids. Precious Mama went to heaven on September 18, 2019 in a horrific motorcycle accident. She loved that Can Am Spyder as much as she loved being in a band. We MISS her terribly and life WILL NEVER be the same. But our GOOD GOD wastes nothing. He can use the worst of our tragedies and nightmares for His glory when we surrender our lives to HIM. We have sensed His leading and calling in these perilous times and press forward together to seek His face and do His will on the earth using Celtic music as a vehicle for the Gospel.

MPK Discography
The Resurrection Story released around Easter 2019
“The Resurrection Story” is the firstfruits of our future album Journey. It is available wherever music is found!
Sweet Impossible Christmas
Released December 2018 from Noah’s brilliant studio. This is his first production.

Almost Home
Almost Home was released in 2010 and contains many favorites, but the most requested MPK Song is “St. Patrick’s Prayer”.
Forever Fiddling
2008 was the year Forever Fiddling was released. If you just want instrumental, this is the one for you! This has thousands of streams on Spotify!
Available at live events!
MPK Christmas
This was our first Christmas cd. We have come a long way since this was produced! Noah was so little!

Available at live events!
This is MPK history! Mama had a box of Cling cd’s and scrawled in sharpie on top, “The dreaded Cling box, do not sell on pain of death.” She was so embarrassed of the bad fiddling on this project. (our very first, Mama, what do you expect???) She is now in heaven and can’t say anything bad about it ever again! Everybody has to start somewhere, and we started officially in 2006 with this project!
Dead Guys Don’t Sin
This is actually Dawn’s audiobook companion to her book Dead Guys Don’t Sin released in 2013. She is currently working on the audiobook for Jesus Be the Boss of Me Poetry and Ponderings Volume 2!