Instead of our Friday FBLive!
Most of MPK was camping for the Church Campout! So instead of a livestream we posted Joanna’s WONDERFUL Africa set!
Here is a set of tunes Joanna wrote for her friends in Uganda! “James and Jovan's Jig,” Rovi's Reel,” and “Nabilatuk.”
James, Jovan, and Rovi are all members of Salvation Troupe International based in Kampala.
Nabilatuk is home to KACHEP, Karamoja Christian Ethnoveterinary Program,
This set will be on her upcoming album Through The Wood, Laddie which will be released in September.
Video: Vince Elmhorst
Violin: Joanna Johnson
Keyboard: Maranatha Elmhorst
Drums: Ezra and Noah Wolf